Posts Tagged ‘Back Bay’

Prudential Tower Views

Friday, July 7th, 2023

Back Bay at dusk

Wednesday, September 21st, 2022

Trinity Church

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022

Back Bay details

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022

Copley Sq. and Public Garden

Saturday, May 1st, 2021

Wandering the Back Bay

Saturday, June 20th, 2015

Walking around Boston

Sunday, June 8th, 2014

20140608_121015I took a nice long walk around Boston, starting and ending at Symphony Hall. I walked through the Christian Science Plaza, passed the reflecting pool, passed the Prudential Center, down Huntington Ave, and left on Ring Road at Copley Plaza to Boylston Street. Left on Boylston, right on Fairfield, straight down Fairfied Ave to the foot bridge over Storrow Drive and down to the Charles River Esplanade. At that point, I realized that there was some kind of walk for something going on because there were TONS of people walking along the river in blue t-shirts. I took a closer look, and realized there were tons of little kids walking. Their t-shirts said it all: Boston Children’s Hospital: Raise funds, Save lives, Repeat.

As I crossed the little bridge to my favorite part of the esplanade, the little island that gives you a great view of Back Bay, I was so moved to see so many families walking together on such a gorgeous day and raising money for sick kids. There were even a bunch of what looked like high school cheerleaders cheering everyone on. From where I was, I could see two long streams of families in blue-tshirts, some coming towards me along the island, and some crossing back over to the Storrow Drive side and walking in the same direction as me.

Later, I looked it up and learned that the event was NStar’s Walk for Boston Children’s Hospital, and that there was a 2-mile route and a 7-mile route, both starting and ending at the Hatch Shell. I was right at the turn-around point for the 2-mile route which I why I was seeing walkers in both directions.

20140608_130001I continued along, and crossed back over Storrow Drive near Clarendon Street, then walked down Clarendon towards Back Bay Station. As I passed through Copley Plaza, I was pleasantly surprised to see rainbow flags and an American flag flying from facade of Boston Public Library (it’s usually several American flags). Not sure if there’s some occasion I’m not aware of, but I don’t care – it looked absolutely amazing! I stopped to watch some street performers, then continued on down Clarendon.

Across from Back Bay Station, I took a right into the Southwest Corridor Park, and walked through the gorgeous tree-lined park that runs through the beautiful residential neighborhood of the South End. That brought me back to the Prudential Center, and then again through the Christian Science Plaza and back to Symphony Hall!

Walk after work

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

Date night with D! We walked along the esplanade to Beacon and Exeter, then along Beacon Street to Charles Street for dinner, then across the Public Gardens and down Newbury Street to take the T home from Copley Square. I love this city

Click here for photos from a similar walk a few years ago

Newbury Street

Friday, March 14th, 2014


Looking down Newbury Street from the corner of Exeter, after a delicious early dinner with Jen.

Old South Ringers

Friday, December 13th, 2013

After stumbling upon the rehearsal of the Old South Ringers (handbell ringers) last year, I was hooked. We returned a year later for their concert of Christmas carols from around the world. I’ve visited many different churches, and our own Old South Church remains one of my favorites, especially when it is decked out for Christmas.

Please click here for the photos I took of Old South Church at Christmas last year.


Lights on Newbury Street

Tuesday, November 26th, 2013

After work, I took a chilly brisk walk to the Prudential Center, and enjoyed a few blocks of Newbury Street on my way. Newbury Street looks so festive at this time of the year, and I loved being able to see the street lights, the lights in the trees, and the lights of the Hancock Tower all mixed together.


Second Floor View

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

IMAG1237eI love wandering around the Back Bay and seeing all of the beautiful architecture, but I usually only get to view my favorite buildings from the street level. This morning, I met a friend at a bridal shop on Newbury Street, and while she was trying on a dress, I glimpsed a view of the First Baptist Church in Boston from the second floor window.

And then I got to see the lovely bride-to-be in her gorgeous gown!

Dartmouth and Newbury

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

What a great view …


Trinity Church

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

Yet another gorgeous view of Trinity Church and the Hancock Tower in Copley Square. On my way to meet my sweetie for dinner just a few hours after a new pope was elected.


Old South Ringers

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Old South Church

Old South Church

I was need of some peace on earth and good will towards men, so I went to a favorite familiar spot, Old South Church, for some uplifting music. The Old South Ringers were rehearsing for their Christmas handbell concert.

Click here for a sample of this ridiculously beautiful music.

Comm Ave Mall

Comm Ave Mall


Lights in trees

Monday, November 19th, 2012

I think this might be the start of a series. How gorgeous is this tree?


random related posts:

Top of the Hub

Friday, August 24th, 2012

The view from the Top of the Hub

The view from the Top of the Hub, looking east towards the Hancock Tower

To surprise my father for his 60th birthday, mom flew my brother and his girlfriend from LA to Boston. Dad thought he was having dinner with mom and his east coast children, but 6 of us showed up for dinner instead of 4. Dad was very surprised, and the 7 of us sat down to an incredible meal with an incredible view!

Top of the Hub is a restaurant on the 52nd floor of the Prudential Tower, and this was my first time partaking of one of Boston’s most precious gems. The food was amazing. The view was amazing. The sunset was breaktaking, and it was wonderful to have my whole family together.

Flying my brother and his girlfriend to Boston was just the beginning of the surprise. The following day, they kept dad out of the house while the rest of us set up for a backyard BBQ. Dad was expecting just few friends, but a few relatives and a few other friends joined the party to surprise dad for a big all-out end-of-summer festive summer bbq.

For pictures from the entire weekend, please click here — the password is dad’s middle name

The view from Top of the Hub

The Charles River Esplanade

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

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I took an incredibly beautiful walk along the Charles River Esplanade, from Mass Ave to the Hatch Shell, for a free concert on the lawn — summer in New England, as God intended it. The esplanade is a park that runs along the southern bank of the Charles River, which means that it also runs along the northern edge of Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood. The Back Bay is all landfill, and our forefathers saw fit to make a little island of landfill in the Charles River just so we could have an even more beautiful place to watch the sailboats, or take a refreshing after-work stroll to meet a friend. We joined a few thousand Bostonians at the Hatch Shell for a picnic and some great classical music, courtesy of Boston Landmarks Orchestra.

Taking a day off

Monday, June 11th, 2012

imag0265One of my favorite ways to spend a day off is visiting some of my favorite spots in Boston

This is why I love Boston

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012


Old meets new in Boston’s South End (corner of W. Newton and Columbus)

Gift shopping downtown

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

Wandering around my favorite area of Boston, doing a little Christmas shopping 🙂
Boston Public Library (left) and Old South Church (middle)

The steeple of Old South Church lining up nicely with the Hancock Tower



Corner of Mass Ave and Comm Ave

Gorgeous little shop on Newbury Street with fabulous tin clocks

Newbury Street

Saturday, January 19th, 2008