Posts from the ‘THINGS’ category

Adventures in Pasta-Making

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Look at this beautiful creature …


Trying a little experiment — this is pasta dough with herbs and spices mixed in
(salt, pepper, garlic and my favorite Italian seasonings grinder). It smelled amazing!


Now we’re getting somewhere … and I’m getting pretty hungry


You gotta love a machine that does its job perfectly every time, without being plugged in to a socket


Until we get one of those fancy drying racks, the backs of chairs will have to do.


An hour later, into the pot they go. Did I mention how wonderful this smelled?


Seasoned pasta with butter and parmesan cheese. Success!!


Salted caramel brownie

Thursday, February 14th, 2013


Who was I kidding when I considered giving up chocolate for lent? My sweetie and I shared a brownie with caramel, chocolate sauce, chocolate covered pretzels, and salted caramel ice cream for Valentines Day

random related posts:


Thursday, February 14th, 2013



Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Melissa decided that she wanted to bake, and we there is no better excuse than that to throw a party! Mel spent the afternoon in our kitchen making the house smell amazing, and then a lot of wonderful people came over to eat!


Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Spinach noodles in peanut sauce with garlic, onions, carrots, chicken and my newest favorite ingredient, ginger


Sunday, December 9th, 2012


My mom makes the best latkes in the world 🙂


Winter Pub Crawl

Saturday, December 1st, 2012

To celebrate Other Becky’s birthday, we visited a few of our favorite bars in JP. This is the gorgeous Christmas tree at James’s Gate, and my sangria at Canary Square.

random related posts:

Lights in trees

Monday, November 19th, 2012

I think this might be the start of a series. How gorgeous is this tree?


Thanksgiving, Take 1

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Brendan’s sister and her friend were in town during Canadian Thanksgiving, so they went all out 🙂

Long week

Friday, October 5th, 2012


Finally found a moment this week to stop and smell the roses. Or whatever flower this is.

Cedar Lakes Estate

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

dsc03003 We spent the weekend at Cedar Lakes Estate in Port Jervis, NY for my cousin’s wedding. I didn’t get any good shots at the wedding (other than the shot on the right of the lovely table centerpiece), but we got a handful of lovely shots as we wandered around and explored the lake and the beautiful fall foliage.

Fall Flowers

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

Photo by Brian

Four Desserts

Friday, September 21st, 2012

Four friends out to dinner on a Friday night, after a very very long week = four incredible desserts. Fancy chocolate mouse, brown butter tart, hazelnut cheesecake and … I forget the rest. It was amazing!

Isabella’s Greenhouse

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

dsc02901 Photography is permitted on the first floor of the Gardner Museum‘s new wing, and I finally got around to snapping a few of my own photos. I have a ways to go because the new wing is gorgeous, but let’s start with the greenhouse. The first thing I see every time I arrive at the Gardner Museum is the new greenhouse. The flowers for the museum’s signature courtyard used to be grown and cared for at an off-site greenhouse, but one of the many gems of the new wing is an onsite greenhouse, complete with a greenhouse classroom for teaching school groups about Isabella’s gardens. And my favorite, purple orchids.

King’s Chapel

Friday, August 10th, 2012

King's Chapel

King's Chapel

Another groupon, another important item checked off my list. To honor the national holiday that is Mel’s birthday, we had afternoon tea and scones at a fancy cafe on Newbury Street (using a groupon).

Before that, we played tourists in our own city and crossed yet another item off my list — we visited a Boston landmark: King’s Chapel. Mel used to work at King’s Chapel, one of Boston’s oldest churches, so she knew the inside scoop, but she had never been on an ‘official’ tour. Only recently, they have started offering a special tour called ‘Bells and Bones’ — up to the bell tower and down to the crypt. I probably should have asked a few more questions to get a better idea of what I was in for, but instead I decide to follow along. First we went down to what is possibly the creepiest basement in Boston. Dead Bostonians in bricked-up vaults partially blocked by filing cabinets, rubbermaid bins of office supplies, clothing racks with Christmas pageant costumes and stacks of broken antique chairs. Also, it was extremely warm. Then, up a few flights of steep stairs to yet another flight of steeper darker dirtier stairs to the refreshing cool breeze of the belltower and a 2437 lbs. bell cast in 1860 by King’s Chapel parishioner Paul Revere.

Then we sat down for a nice cup of tea.

London Cafe

High Tea, with scones and other delicious treats, at the Royalton Suites' London Cafe on Newbury Street

London Cafe

London Cafe

Visiting Sara

Saturday, August 4th, 2012



This lovely lady just moved in with this handsome gent. We have a scheduling conflict for their housewarming party, so we spent the afternoon visiting them in New Hampshire. It’s hard to see your friends once or twice a year when you used to see them all the time, but if it’s seven hours or not at all, then I’ll take it! I’ve known her 22 years longer than I’ve known him, and we all got along like old friends. How great is that?

We were originally planning to help them with a project, but it was way too hot to work, so instead we ate all afternoon — starting with incredible cheese samples at Grafton Village Cheese Company. My friends really know me 🙂

random related posts:

Gloucester and Rockport

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

I had a groupon for a Cape Ann Whale Watch, and we used that as an excuse for an incredibly pleasant daytrip to the beautiful town of Gloucester, MA (click to see google map). One of the many things I love about living in Massachusetts is that there are gorgeous vacation spots right under our noses. Gloucester is right on the ocean, and the weather was picture-perfect.


dsc02451-nggid03194-ngg0dyn-320x240x100-00f0w010c010r110f110r010t010First, we wandered around Rocky Neck, one of American’s oldest artist colonies. I went to art school, so I have some idea of what it’s like to be surrounded by artsy-types. This is much different. These are serious and talented artists running cozy galleries, and living the good life in quaint houses with incredible views.

Then, we crossed an item off of our list by visiting the Sargent House Museum. The house was built for Judith Sargent Murray (1751–1820), who was (among many other things), the great-grand-aunt of John Singer Sargent (one of the few artists that Brian and I can truly agree on). The house was lovely and the tour guide really knew her stuff, but we had to duck out before the tour was over because the whales were waiting.

dsc02462-nggid03200-ngg0dyn-320x240x100-00f0w010c010r110f110r010t010We boarded the Hurricane II, and enjoyed the views, the wind and the salty air as we headed out to visit the whales. It was such a clear day that we could see Boston in the distance the whole time we were out there. Brian actually listened as the guide taught us about the different whales that we saw, so you’ll have to ask him. I just wanted to see something you don’t see every day — an animal so huge that it reminds you how small we are, in its natural habitat, an ocean so huge it reminds you of how little we know.

After the whale watch, we decided to take a little drive and ended up in Rockport, MA (click for google map), another great town with lots of galleries, cute shops and beautiful views. After some wandering, it was time to find some dinner. We had just stopped in to a small restaurant to try their chowder and their seating area was crammed with picnic benches and loud children. That’s exactly what I didn’t want for dinner, and I was getting frustrated with the tiny keyboard on my phone, searching among an overwhelming array of local options. So Brian said “let’s just try this place” and we walked in to the restaurant across the street.

dsc02510-nggid03209-ngg0dyn-320x240x100-00f0w010c010r110f110r010t010I can’t say this enough: we are two incredibly lucky and fortunate people. The hostess at Brackett’s Oceanview Restaurant apologetically offered us the last available table at the restaurant – a tiny, out of the way, private room with a big window. The table was perfect, the room was perfect, the view was perfect, my drink was perfect, the fried seafood was perfect, the lobster ravioli was perfect and my husband is perfect.

Then we walked off dinner on Pier Avenue, just in time to catch a beautiful sunset over Sandy Bay.


Pier Avenue, Rockport, MA

Me and my sweetie in Rockport, MA

Hungry Mother

Saturday, July 14th, 2012

Hungry Mother is an excellent restaurant in Kendall Square, Cambridge MA — we highly recommend it.

This right here — this is why you go to restaurants with 3 other people. So you can try 4 desserts.


I can’t name them all — I was far too distracted by the wonder that is basil ice cream (far right)


Paper flowers

Monday, July 9th, 2012

When a friend needs a hand with an arts and crafts project, and she offers to feed me too, how can I say no? Mo and I made paper flowers out of colorful tissue paper for her engagement party — we made a very pretty mess!!

Stamford Dinner

Friday, April 27th, 2012

Cannolli Nachos!! In celebration of our wedding, Brian’s parents hosted a wonderful party, featuring cannolli nachos and a phenomenal assortment of handmade desserts.


Friday, April 6th, 2012

Another Passover, another beautiful table set for 20 of our nearest and dearest

Click here for my photoblog entries from


South Huntington

Friday, March 30th, 2012


Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

We had quesadilla-week to celebrate our new griddle 🙂 This is my first attempt at a chicken quesadilla with fresh guacamole.

Stuffed Shells

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

We had some people over to help us finish the wedding cake, and we made stuffed shells to satisfy a few different food preferences.
Here’s my Stuffed Shells for Everyone recipe.

  1. Start by cooking jumbo shells al dente, steaming some broccoli, defrosting some frozen spinach, browning some ground turkey (season to preference), and coating the bottom of your pan with tomato sauce.
  2. In a mixing bowl, add some ricotta cheese and cut-up broccoli, then stuff a row of shells with the ricotta/broccoli mix (this is for our guest who doesn’t like spinach).
  3. Then add some spinach to the mixing bowl, a little more ricotta, and stuff another row of shells with the ricotta/broccoli/spinach mix (this is for our veg-friendly guest).
  4. Then, add the ground turkey and the rest of the ricotta to the mixing bowl, and stuff a row of shells on the opposite side with the biggest bits of ground-turkey (these are for your meat-lovers).
  5. Then stuff the rest of the shells with the rest of the mix, cover with another layer of tomato sauce, garnish with parmesan or mozzarella cheese, and bake for 45 minutes at 350.
Then, eat leftover wedding cake 🙂


Blue Sushi Set

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

We treated ourselves to fancy sushi take-out using our beautiful new sushi set, and other pieces with the same pattern that I’ve picked up here and there.


Saturday, February 25th, 2012

random related posts:

Valentine’s Day Roses

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012


Friday, January 20th, 2012




random related posts:


Sunday, January 1st, 2012



Tuesday, December 20th, 2011