Top of the Hub

Friday, August 24th, 2012

The view from the Top of the Hub <p>The view from the Top of the Hub, looking east towards the Hancock Tower</p> To surprise my father for his 60th birthday, mom flew my brother and his girlfriend from LA to Boston. Dad thought he was having dinner with mom and his east coast children, but 6 of us showed up for dinner instead of 4. Dad was very surprised, and the 7 of us sat down to an incredible meal with an incredible view!

Top of the Hub is a restaurant on the 52nd floor of the Prudential Tower, and this was my first time partaking of one of Boston’s most precious gems. The food was amazing. The view was amazing. The sunset was breaktaking, and it was wonderful to have my whole family together.

Flying my brother and his girlfriend to Boston was just the beginning of the surprise. The following day, they kept dad out of the house while the rest of us set up for a backyard BBQ. Dad was expecting just few friends, but a few relatives and a few other friends joined the party to surprise dad for a big all-out end-of-summer festive summer bbq.

For pictures from the entire weekend, please click here — the password is dad’s middle name

The view from Top of the Hub

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2 Comments for “Top of the Hub”

  1. Comment from: Ma
    on August 26th, 2012

    Beautiful. Thank you!!

  2. Comment from: Alex C
    on August 28th, 2012

    Great view! Glad you guys had a wonderful weekend

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