130 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA see map | wikipedia.org/wiki/Armory_of_the_First_Corps_of_Cadets
130 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA see map | wikipedia.org/wiki/Armory_of_the_First_Corps_of_Cadets
941 Boylston, Boston, MA (at the corner of Hereford and Boylston) | bostonfirehistory.org/activefirehouseengine33.html
314 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA (at the corner of Hereford and Commonwealth)
According to bosguy.com … ” The Burrage House (named after the attorney, businessman, and philanthropist Albert C. Burrage and his family) is one of many distinctive properties that dot Back Bay’s Commonwealth Avenue. The home which was initially constructed in 1899 is now divided into six condominiums each worth several millions of dollars and rent for $15,000+ a month. Local football fans know that a few years ago Patriot’s quarterback, Tom Brady, called this home. ”
A video on bosguy.com shows the interior of the Burrage House
217-219 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA (see map) | algonquinclub.com
Designed by McKim, Mead, and White, Built in 1887
The Algonquin Club’s website has excellent floor-by-floor photos of each of the beautiful appointed rooms.
From the Algonquin Club’s website:
“The Algonquin Club of Boston maintains the same commitment as when first conceived 125 years ago, namely, to serve as a convenient and hospitable meeting place for members and friends and a comfortable and elegant setting to enjoy the finest in contemporary and traditional dining.
Founded by active and high-achieving individuals in civic life, business, the arts, education and the professions, the Algonquin Club continues today as a leading institutional citizen of Boston. In a matchless location on Commonwealth Avenue, close by to world-class universities and colleges, renowned teaching hospitals, the city’s numerous notable cultural institutions and the Back Bay’s stylish shopping and business district, the Algonquin Club is the epitome of a city club in the 21st Century.”