Boston Harbor Tall Ships

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

A perfect snow day yesterday … no work and yes school … gave me the perfect opportunity to finally set up my easel, and I finished three paintings! They had been almost finished for a long time, and just needed to be wrapped up and signed. 

This one is based on a photo I took in Summer 2017, when I was pregnant with our son. Boston was hosting Tall Ships from around the world, and I took advantage of a last minute opportunity to hop on a Boston Harbor cruise after work to tour the incredible ships, just as dusk light hit the beautiful skyline. It was a sweet memory – a rare opportunity to do something beautiful alone and just for me – just before becoming a mama. As with many other paintings (both before and after motherhood), I worked on it on and off over a long time, including not touching it for over a year, and finally finished it up yesterday. 

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